Position Statement: Generally Accepted Standards of Care

Oregon, like many states, is increasingly recognizing the importance of mental health parity, ensuring individuals receive necessary services regardless of the diagnosis. ABA therapy is a well-established and evidence-based intervention for a variety of mental health conditions, including Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Oregon legislators fortified access to appropriate medical care by passing HB 3046: Behavioral Health Parity for Oregon. This law strengthens behavioral health parity by treating behavioral health conditions with the same medical standards as those required for other physical medical conditions. Specifically, the law requires health insurance companies to provide individuals receiving behavioral health treatments the same benefits as those receiving “medical and surgical treatment.”.  Additionally, HB 3046 ensures that health insurance companies provide benefits that align with “generally accepted stands or care” as defined by “valid, evidence-based sources..peer-reviewed scientific studies…medical literature… specialty societies and recommendations of nonprofit health care provider professional associations”

As the nonprofit professional association for applied behavior analysis (ABA) in Oregon, ORABA has a responsibility to ensure consistent and high-quality ABA services for Oregonians. Thus we endorse the following resources as representing the current generally accepted standards of care:

  1. ABA Coding Coalition Model Coverage Policy for Adaptive Behavior Services: Guidelines for Working with CPT Codes and Developing Payer Policies. 

  1. Council of Autism Service Providers (CASP) Applied Behavior Analysis Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Guidance for Healthcare Funders, Regulatory Bodies, Service Providers, and Consumers (3rd Edition). 

  1. Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts and RBT Ethics Code. 

ORABA believes these resources offer a comprehensive framework for delivering high-quality ABA services in Oregon. Their utilization will promote accountability among practitioners, ensure ethical conduct, and ultimately, lead to improved outcomes for individuals receiving ABA therapy.