Diversity and Inclusion Statement

ORABA's Executive board and all committees aim to foster and develop inclusive, safe, equitable, and just environments for our members. ORABA values the individual identities of our members and the unique experiences each person holds. We are dedicated to holding ourselves accountable by listening, reflecting, and acting to remove barriers to inclusion within our organization and the field. 

ORABA Listens

Position on the Use of Electric Shock in Treatment of Individuals with Disabilities

Contingent electric skin shock (CESS) is an unnecessary tactic with possible long term harmful physical and emotional effects (Zarcone, et al. 2020). The use of contingent electric skin shock is inconsistent with the ethics rules of Applied Behavior Analysis and is outside of the scope of the practice of behavior analysis (BACB, 2020). See link for the official statement. 

ORABA CESS Position Statement

Generally Accepted Standards of Care Position Statement

As the nonprofit professional association for applied behavior analysis (ABA) in Oregon, ORABA has a responsibility to ensure consistent and high-quality ABA services for Oregonians. See link for official statement. 

Position Statement: Generally Accepted Standards of Care